Name Mini Grenade
Value 100
Strength Requirement 3
Weight (pounds) 1
Damage 1d10 + 4
AP Cost 4
Description A small version of the standard fragmentary grenade.  They pack less punch but are easier to carry.
Name Stun Grenade
Value 150
Strength Requirement 3
Weight (pounds) 1
Damage 1d3 + 1
AP Cost 4
Description A grenade that stuns opponents.  It does a small amount of damage, but causes all those affected to lose their next turn unless they make a Luck roll.
Name Smoke Grenade
Value 50
Strength Requirement 3
Weight (pounds) 1
Damage 0
AP Cost 4
Description This grenade will create smoke for two hexes in every direction from where it lands.  The smoke lasts for 2d3 turns.  Anyone shooting into, out of, or through the smoky area will receive a -50% penalty to their attack roll.
Name Tear Gas Grenade
Value 150
Strength Requirement 3
Weight (pounds) 1
Damage 0
AP Cost 5
Description This grenade will create smoke in a 2 hex radius from where it lands.  The tear gas lasts for 2d2 rounds.  Anyone in the tear gas without a gas mask will lose half of their Aps until they have spent two full turns outside of the gas.
Name Mustard Gas Grenade
Value 300
Strength Requirement 3
Weight (pounds) 1
Damage 2d6
AP Cost 5
Description This grenade will create mustard gass in a 2 hex radius from where it lands.  The gas lasts for 2d2 rounds.  Anyone in the gas without a gas mask will lose 2d6 hit points each round and half their APs until they have spent two full turns outside of the gas.